From today's New York Daily News from the omnipresent, omniscient and omnivorous Carolyn Hinsey. Re-printed here because it involves two ongoing favourites, the dashing Thorsten Kaye and the divine Alicia Minshew.

'AMC' Digs Up a Grave & Unearths the Truth

Kendall and Zach dig up his "dead" father's grave today on All My Children, and are shocked to find it empty.

"They find a note that his father wrote right after he found out that Zach was alive," says Alicia Minshew, who plays Kendall. "It says Zach is going to pay for faking his death and making his father suffer all those years thinking his favorite son was dead."

Fans know that Zach's father, Alexander Cambias Sr., was a monster and that Zach - real name Alexander Cambias Jr. - faked his death, changed his name to Zach Slater and moved to Las Vegas to start a new life as a successful casino owner.

"Zach faked his death to escape his father because he was evil and abusive and treated his family horribly," says Minshew. "The note also alludes to the fact that [Alexander Sr.] is really alive."

Indeed, he is.

"Zach gets a phone call from his dad," says Thorsten Kaye, who plays Zach. "He wants him to come meet him. It turns out that he faked his death because he found out that Zach faked his, and he wants to get back at him by taking away everything that matters to him."

Like Kendall.

But first, Alex Sr. killed all of Kendall's partners at Fusion, which means that yes, Alexander Cambias Sr. turns out to be the notorious Satin Slayer.

"He's been sitting back, waiting, this whole time," says Kaye. "So it's not a bad story, as far as going back in time and re-creating something, for this guy to come back to what made him become this killer. Especially if you wanted to get rid of all these great contract players."Daddy Dearest lures Zach and Kendall to a warehouse next week, where he promptly drugs Zach and takes Kendall hostage.

"Kendall has all these scenes with Alexander Cambias where he says, 'Leave my son and go to Ryan. He's the one you want,'" says Minshew. "Kendall says, 'I would never leave Zach, you piece of crap. You'll have to kill me first.'"

Things escalate, and by the end of next week, Zach has a shocking revelation about the way his mother really died - but is it enough to save Kendall?

"It's all very dramatic, but there are some lighter scenes coming up, I promise," says Minshew. "Kendall and Zach are in for a really nice surprise."

"It's about time, don't you think?" says Kaye.


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