The Tuesday De-Briefing: Egglesfield and Fumero
It is not at all unheard of for a highly attractive male model to segue into a part on a Soap Opera. Sometimes the model can actually act and for the most part adorns the set with ample opportunity to take off his shirt. Mr. Egglesfield has been handed the citrus rind role of playing a character that was aborted as a fetus and placed in the womb of another woman -- perhaps someday that will happen in the real world. Perhaps the research should be accelerated if the results are supposed to look like Mr. Egglesfield.
He has also been saddled with a banal heterosexual pairing. Don't they realize that he needs to be honing his skills for a future starring role in the Montgomery Clift biographical film.
One of the pictures featured here is from his days as a model when he was paired up with Joel Fumero -- who needs to get himself to a good casting agent immediately -- there's nothing banal about this pairing at all. If the powers that be are heeding the call: de-brief these two immediately.