Song of the Week: Love Unlimited

Whenever there are interesting additions here usually involving the exposition of male flesh, an invitation of sorts is extended to the denizens of the gay forum extraordinaire, Datalounge. As a result yesterday, a record number of visits were made to this Web Log and Web Site. It's gratifying to have so many witness the hard work put into this site by BGR Design for one. There was sniping over there at the 'Lounge -- that's to be expected. Polite they are not. One comment referred to the "cheesy music" [sic] here. Well, a good slice of cheese does more good than harm so we shall continue to be cheesey and hopelessly retro musically. So without disappointing anyone the song of the week comes from Barry White's trio of singers headed by his wife Glodean James White, Love Unlimited, who were more like The Supremes than Diane, Flo and Mary could ever be. It is Winter in earnest now and there's nothing like a good man to keep it at bay. The song you may be hearing is actually quite similar to "Everything's Good About You" by Diane and the girls. There was, accordingly, some controversy when "Everything Good" was recorded in that it sounded very similar to the original recording of "Winter" produced by Barry earlier with another female singer. Documentation is difficult to retrieve at this point, but it goes without saying that much music is cross pollenated.

In the meantime enjoy our newest piece of cheese with a photo from Neil Hermann from his much sought after book, Bodyscopes published by Bruno Gmuender in 1986. Some retro art never goes out of style and the pic could very well be considered quite "springy" and it definitely warms the heart. Enjoy. Stay warm.

It May Be Winter Outside (But In My Heart It's Spring)

-- Barry White

When the temperature dips
I miss my baby's arms
His tender finger tips
Knows just how to keep me warm
It may be zero degreesWith the snow falling down
But I've got warm and tender love
Just as long as he's around

It may be winter outsideBut in my heart it's spring
How much joy and pleasure Baby
Can one guy bring me
Winter Nights can be awful cold
Without someone to hold
But when I have him next to me
Baby, I'm in ecstasy

Throughout my lifeI've had my share of guys
But he's been the only one
Who can make my temperature rise
Things are just not the same
When he's not by my side
But yet I shouldn't complain
But be waiting with my arms open wide


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