Saturday Beefcake: Comfort and Warmth

Mexican Hot Chocolate

Unsweetened Cocoa, 1/4 cup
Sugar, 1/4 cup
Cinnamon, 3/4 teaspoon
Salt, a dash
Milk, 1 litre
Light Cream 1/4 cup
Vanilla Extract, 1/4 teaspoon

1. Mix the cocoa, sugar and salt
2. Heat milk until bubbling and then stir in the cocoa mixture.
3. Beat with whisk until smooth
4. Bring to boiling over low heat.
5. Gently stir in cream and vanilla heat over low heat
6. Before serving, beat with rotary mixer until frothy.

A warm Saturday in Washington, DC belies the Winter that raged only yesterday and is sure to return. A good recipe for bringing comfort and warmth is definitely called for and in our vaults we found this simple and tasty concoction to help allay the winter woes. A weekend trip to DC with a warmed up Saturday afternoon also helps.

Chocolate has been getting a lot of good press these days and be it far from this Web Log to buck the trend. In keeping with our weekly tradition we have accompanied this recipe with some appropriate photography, two of which relay warmth, another the refereshing experience of a Spring much anticipated. The comfort part -- well, all of us, every one, know what that's about. Just be sure to pass it around.


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