Out,Out Damn Homosexual

Thee good people at Datalounge point this out in USA Today:
"On tonight's Dirt, an episode titled 'You Don't Know Jack,' Show's character, Jack Dawson [Grant Show], is outed by Courteney Cox's tabloid editor. A similar story line will play in February and March on ABC's Brothers & Sisters.
Both echo recent real-life scenarios and underscore that being tagged as homosexual remains a threat for many actors. Although more characters are openly gay on TV, being a gay actor still carries a stigma. And with gossip blogs joining tabloids in the trafficking of salacious material, the chance of being outed or inaccurately labeled has been ratcheted up."
William Keck's piece goes on to discuss recent events as well as Chad Allen's dilemma when he was photographed by a tabloid with his boyfriend. In short, it says that it might be okay to play a gay man on television, but it still may not be okay to be a gay actor. Go here to read it.