Saturday Beefcake

Some dishes need to be served immediately and while they are hot. Fall and winter dishes are primarily rib stickers that keep the inner fires well stoked.

Needless to say everyone has those young, fetching acquaintances virtually performing the same task. The attributes, smooth, creamy, tangy and pungent take on more involved meanings. Gorgonzola in both forms reaches its delectable state by getting moldy, more or less. That's what the blue in blue cheese of any origin is. Gorgonzola has a texture and quality all its own. Sweet Gorgonzola is what's called for in the following recipe. It's younger and more malleable. Yes, of course.

Pasta al Gorgonzola

400 grams of Ditali Rigati
100 grams of Gorgonzola Dolce
50 grams of Sweet Butter
Small glass of Heavy Cream
chopped parsley, sea salt, pepper

1. Slowly melt the butter in the cream over low heat adding salt and pepper to taste right up to the point of boiling. Before it gets there remove it from the heat.
2. The Gorgonzola should be cut into small cubes.
3. As soon as the pasta is drained, unite it with the cheese and the cream mixture. Toss it well and top it with the parsley. This should be served immediately to two malleable young people who stoke the home fires or four old farts.

Pictured is one of CoL's favourites from the galleries, Rusty Joiner, whose attributes do nothing but stoke all sorts of fires.


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