Saturday Beefcake: Adaptibility

This recipe was adapted from a recipe by Zilah Bahar and has become something different, although the basic theme still exists. Would that the theme of adaptibility and pragmatism were more universally accepted. Cultures that have survived and thrived are those that have adapted to both internal and external influences. It's called history.

One might wonder about the history and culture that produced the subject of our current photograph that stares out from the pages of Men's Workout, a very entertaining workout mag indeed. There's no doubt that survival and adaptibility could help one such as he and his forebears thrive.

Here then is today's culinary contribution:

Lasagne Verdi al Pollo

Olive Oil
Chopped onion
Minced garlic, 2 cloves
Mushrooms, 750 grams
Carrot cut into julienne strips
Marjoram, basil (dried, combined, about a spoonful)
Peperoncino (crushed hot red pepper, just a little)
Saffron (a pinch)
Cooked Shredded Chicken (250 grams)
2 Eggs
Pecorino Cheese, grated
Marsala Wine (spoonful or so)
Cooked green lasagne, or fresh homemade
Ground black pepper
Chicken broth

[Oven = 350F]

1.Sauté onion in olive oil with garlic, mushrooms, carrot and spices, then transfer to a bowl.
2.Add chicken and wine. Toss. Coat with some of the egg and season with pepper. Set aside.
3.Whisk egg, cheese and chicken broth to combine. Make it frothy.
4. In a 11x7 baking pan coated with olive oil, place a row of lasagne on bottom. Spread ½ Chicken mixture.
5.Another layer of lasagne.Then remaining mixture.
6. Top with lasagne and pour remaining egg mixture over it
7.Bake 20 minutes
8. Brush top layer with a bit more oil to make sure the top layer doesn't get too dry. Bake ten minutes more.

Eight people could comfortably partake of this or four guys from the pages of Men's Workout.


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