Men in Briefs

Viewers have been treated to what an editor at Entertainment Weekly calls the 'Butt Season 'over at Nip/Tuck and there will be no complaints from these parts. Special kudos to both Mr Mario Lopez as well as Mr Thad Luckinbill for providing two very fine perspectives from that end of the spectrum as special guests. Reviews for the main protagonists will wait until the end of the Season.

There is still much to be said, however, about men in skivvies as recently demonstrated by Calvin Klein's newest male purveyor of his undies. Swedish footballer, Fredrik Ljungberg, has joined the ranks of Mark Wahlberg and Antonio Sabato, Jr as Calvin's way of giving back to the community as it were. Many thanks to everyone involved. Gol!

Column has certainly made a humble attempt to fan the flames, so to speak, by maintaining a gallery of men in underwear, viz. Briefly -- visit. enjoy.


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