The moose days of summer

Hi, it’s me again.

Early last evening I went looking for the other members of the blog and couldn’t find them anywhere. Bernice often escapes from her attendants so that wasn’t unusual, but for Giano and Brian both to be missing was really strange. Then I realized that if they weren’t around no one would have a blog entry for today. It was all going to be up to me.

You can’t fool this moose twice. I may not have been ready for the last time, but now I could prepare. So I spent last night gathering all my information, writing and rewriting, getting the wording just right. I searched the internet and found the greatest pictures. I didn’t get much sleep but when I was done it was perfect. A masterpiece if I do say so myself.

But this morning when I arrived to open the blog I found a note stuck to the front door.

Dear Pookie

You know we love you, but please don’t post your own work without letting one of us see it. We had complaints last time. You frightened both the children and the horses.

Look in the kitchen beside the cookie tin for today’s “Saturday Beefcake”. But don’t touch the cookies; they’re for tomorrow’s party.

B, G & B

Frightened! Let me tell you what’s frightening.

Bernice traipsing though the streets of New York wearing her yellow rubber gloves, constantly lifting her skirt over her head to keep herself cool.

Giano chasing after some flat-stomached, bubble-butted rent boy in the Village, serenading him with Dusty Springfield songs.

Brian . . . well, the poor old sod doesn’t have much of a life except for his pet bat, Vlad, so that speaks for itself.

Still, maybe I’m being too harsh. I am new; perhaps I don't understand the rules yet. And they did say they loved me. So I supp . . .

Hey! Wait a sec. What party?

Enjoy your Saturday Beefcake, people, because when I get my hands, erh, hooves on those jerks it’ll be time for Sunday Mincemeat.


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