Well, Go On With Your Bad Self, Probie ...

The back room here at CoL is a flurry of activity. No, it has nothing to do with Bernice's electrical appliances, but our very own Pookie has something in the works regarding Rescue Me's Probie, Michael Lombardi. He works tirelessly on so many things, still he found time to peruse TV Guide on line to send this memo around the office:

Question: Based on last night's Rescue Me, I guess Probie is the big
gay surprise you've been hinting at. - Craig

Ausiello: Yes, he is. But exec producer Peter Tolan cautioned me against slapping a label on him. "Probie is a character who has been searching for love - and in many cases, in the wrong places," says Tolan. "What he finds is not love but companionship and sexual release. But he's a confused guy, and I don't think he's gay. The funniest conversations those characters have is about how they're involved in a sexual relationship but they're not There's been an unhealthy fixation on our show with homosexuality, and I don't know where it comes from, frankly. When you have a show about men, there's always going to be a homoerotic current that somebody's going to pick up on, whether it's there or not. Honestly, the story line came out of a childish delight at discomfiting Michael Lombardi [who plays Probie]. Once we committed to it, we thought, well, now we've got to protect our character and do right by him and let's really make this plausible." But back to discomfiting Michael Lombardi - wait until you see next week's episode. All I'll say is Probie and his roommate decide to reenact Vincent Gallo and Chloe Sevigny's "legendary" scene from The Brown Bunny."

Well, maybe we should buy Probie that t-shirt that says "I'm not gay, but my boyfriend is."


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