Got It Goin' On: Rescue Me

Matthew Gilbert, critic from The Boston Globe, had this to say two weeks ago when reviewing Denis Leary's Rescue Me:

This season, not one of the characters seems to be sleeping with the right person. I won't reveal any surprises , except to say that all the pairings in the first three episodes are oddly, humorously, and, at the end of episode 3, touchingly daring. The changing-partners theme is a little farcical -- but darkly so, with heart-wrenching consequences. ``Rescue Me" isn't for everyone, particularly those who find Leary's fuming a little too convincing. But it's certainly a TV gem, rough but gleaming.

Mike Lombardi's "Probie" is probably the most likable of all the members of this very flawed group of men, therefore, the "touchingly daring" scene was a happy event when he rested his head on the shoulder of none other than Timothy Adams, who is one of the favourites in these parts, if you follow this BLOG or peruse the website's galleries.

When he was hired by One Life to Live there were fond hopes that he might be up front more often than not, but those hopes remained just that. The beauty of Rescue Me's gain from OLTL's dearth is that it is extremely satisfying to be able to experience a favourite interpreting something that is lifted from personal fantasies and cause for some rejoicing. It matters not what the actual life of the actor is all about.

The brief scene itself was, as Gilbert noted, touching. Leary's show sometimes has too much going on at once, but it seems to fall into place no matter how all over the place it may seem and certainly Susan Sarandon's participation is very welcomed.

Still it's Mike Siletti and his roommate that have it goin' on. A show that was once watched regularly now has undivided attention.


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