Song of the Week: Relentless Talent

Ilene Kristen's "Flesh and Blood"

The ways of the world we don't understand
Everywhere leads us to why
Hold on to the earth with your own two hands
And never say goodbye

Following Ilene's participation in POZ magazine's AIDS Walk fundraiser at Prohibition, a staff member remarked that she is a "force of nature." Coining a phrase from Brokeback Mountain's advertising campaign nothwithstanding, it is an accurate although hyberpolic description of a woman whose heart is unique and universal at one and the same time.

One gets the sense that she's an old soul that will go on forever holding on to the earth with her own two hands. Her performance last Wednesday showed all who were there that she is indeed worthy of all that.

Once again she is showcasing her talent at the Triad this coming Wednesday at 9PM 212.362.2511. Do yourself a favour ...


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