Quite Contrary
It would be too easy to call Mary Cheney a stupid bitch. First of all she's not at all that stupid in view of the fact that much of what she has said recently is calculated to get the book buying public to read her book, including those who don't like her.
From rawstory.com:
In response to an article Wednesday in which Vice President Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter is quoted as calling Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) a "RAW STORY....“Seems like a suspicious lecture from a political operative who flacked for the most anti-gay administration in history and allowed Karl Rove to divide America for political gain," Wade said. "She’d be more credible if she pushed dad’s administration to support hate crimes legislation and equal rights for gay Americans.”Miss Mary accuses the Kerry-Edwards ticket for exploiting her sexual orientation for political gain.
"Sitting in the studio audience when Edwards mentioned her sexual orientation, Cheney said she looked at the vice-presidential candidate and mouthed the words 'Go F* Yourself' a phrase her father had earlier employed against Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy"
Go here for the full story
This woman's self expression is about as appropriate for a Vice President's daughter as it is for any allegedly articulate and educated woman lesbian or otherwise. More importantly where was the supposed gain to come from?
Wait, maybe it was from pointing out the hypocrisy in Bush-Cheney's position regarding Gay and Lesbian Americans, but a great many of those who were going to vote Kerry-Edwards knew that already. Was it to point out that very same hypocrisy to the so called religious right's support for the Republican Party? Very small chance that those very same minds would be changed in favour of the Democrats.
More than likely it was an effort to get the Cheneys to address it publicly more than making political gain.
Does anyone remember Lynn Cheney publicly denying during the 2000 campaign that her daughter was an out lesbian? Is anyone aware that the elder Ms Cheney writes about lesbian love in her fiction?
Is anyone on the left angry? Does anyone on the right feel exploited by people who have only the strength of their opportunism?
Coors Beer received praise for reaching out to the Gay Community after a rather successful boycott against them during the company's homophobic era. "For a long time, gay people were implored by activists to boycott Coors, based on its funding of anti-gay causes. Mary got in there, talked about Coors's new domestic-partner benefits for employees. Mary said, here, try a Coors. She was good at that, and the boycott wafted away, and you didn't see as much Bud Light in gay bars." (Washington Post, 2004)
When she went to work for her father's campaigns Ms mary was no wilting flower. It was (and is) the Cheneys that make political hay out of the pulbic mention of her homosexulaity by pretending it was inappropriate to bring up what was already a matter of public record by pretending that Mary was a private person. It was the perfect way to avoid the real issue: that Cheney was supporting a political agenda that was anti-gay/lesbian, making Mary a supreme hypocrite and, therefore, making any accurate discussion of the issues impossible. Dick Cheney's platitudes about personal freedom didn't address the rights to which everyone is entitled. There were no productive discussions or debates about gay people in the United States only about Kerry and Edwards stating the truth.
Mary Cheney may be a lesbian but she is a poor excuse for one.
From rawstory.com:
In response to an article Wednesday in which Vice President Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter is quoted as calling Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) a "RAW STORY....“Seems like a suspicious lecture from a political operative who flacked for the most anti-gay administration in history and allowed Karl Rove to divide America for political gain," Wade said. "She’d be more credible if she pushed dad’s administration to support hate crimes legislation and equal rights for gay Americans.”Miss Mary accuses the Kerry-Edwards ticket for exploiting her sexual orientation for political gain.
"Sitting in the studio audience when Edwards mentioned her sexual orientation, Cheney said she looked at the vice-presidential candidate and mouthed the words 'Go F* Yourself' a phrase her father had earlier employed against Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy"
Go here for the full story
This woman's self expression is about as appropriate for a Vice President's daughter as it is for any allegedly articulate and educated woman lesbian or otherwise. More importantly where was the supposed gain to come from?
Wait, maybe it was from pointing out the hypocrisy in Bush-Cheney's position regarding Gay and Lesbian Americans, but a great many of those who were going to vote Kerry-Edwards knew that already. Was it to point out that very same hypocrisy to the so called religious right's support for the Republican Party? Very small chance that those very same minds would be changed in favour of the Democrats.
More than likely it was an effort to get the Cheneys to address it publicly more than making political gain.
Does anyone remember Lynn Cheney publicly denying during the 2000 campaign that her daughter was an out lesbian? Is anyone aware that the elder Ms Cheney writes about lesbian love in her fiction?
Is anyone on the left angry? Does anyone on the right feel exploited by people who have only the strength of their opportunism?
Coors Beer received praise for reaching out to the Gay Community after a rather successful boycott against them during the company's homophobic era. "For a long time, gay people were implored by activists to boycott Coors, based on its funding of anti-gay causes. Mary got in there, talked about Coors's new domestic-partner benefits for employees. Mary said, here, try a Coors. She was good at that, and the boycott wafted away, and you didn't see as much Bud Light in gay bars." (Washington Post, 2004)
When she went to work for her father's campaigns Ms mary was no wilting flower. It was (and is) the Cheneys that make political hay out of the pulbic mention of her homosexulaity by pretending it was inappropriate to bring up what was already a matter of public record by pretending that Mary was a private person. It was the perfect way to avoid the real issue: that Cheney was supporting a political agenda that was anti-gay/lesbian, making Mary a supreme hypocrite and, therefore, making any accurate discussion of the issues impossible. Dick Cheney's platitudes about personal freedom didn't address the rights to which everyone is entitled. There were no productive discussions or debates about gay people in the United States only about Kerry and Edwards stating the truth.
Mary Cheney may be a lesbian but she is a poor excuse for one.