As Constant As the Northern Star -- here's Mark

I was surprised that Simon and Garfunkel didn’t bring out much of a crowd. So much for recreating the Central Park concert. The upside being, whenever it’s a small group, the audience usually conspires to make me do something bizarre the following week. Well, “Oops, they did it again.” Sure enough, I’m doing Britney Spears this Thursday. (Evil bastards!) So, if you’ve always wanted to hear me sing, “I’m not a girl, not yet a woman,” now is your chance.

A heads up, there will be no “Undercover” show on April 13th due to Passover. Instead, I will be doing a set at the Rockwood Music Hall on Tuesday the 11th at 7 PM, Allen Street b/t Stanton and Houston. I will debut a NEW SONG at this show. (I might give a preview of it tomorrow to offset the Britney songs). I will also be doing my Passover song, “We All Have Our Own Egypts to Leave,” at both shows. It’s like a Passover Seder squeezed into 3.5 minutes without the food. (Doesn’t that sound appealing?) No, really, you’ll like it, even if you’re a gentile.
I hope you can make it out.


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