Christopher Durang is most assuredly one of the most entertaining recovering Catholics and part of his forum is over at Arianna Huffington's Web Log, but the post seems to have disappeared but we managed to save this.
"As we know, Christ came down to earth to instruct us in the ways in which we must limit our sexual expression. He may have said the Beatitudes one stray weekend between appearances at the Knights of Columbus, He may have said startling things like "love thy enemy," "turn the other cheek," and "resist not the evil doer" - but He either meant those as quirky but meaningless bromides, or perhaps they've been mistranslated, and He actually said "God is my co-pilot, and whenever you go to war, know that God is right beside you, killing people too."
The Huffington Post made news recently by parcing together some of George Clooney's quotes as if he'd posted it. Lo and behold Ms. Huffington apologized for the gaf. Arianna has had a very interesting political journey and the postings at Huffington Post are well the effort, especially that there are brilliant people like the talented Mr. Durang there.