Rendering Unto Caesar

Dear Papa Ratzinger, "civil unions" are none of your concern. Please abandon the homuncular theory of sexuality upon which so called Xtian dogma bases its disdain for the human condition. Ah, for the days when the Pope was "the prisoner of the vatican."

On the other hand Jimmy Carter would make a better Pope. He does everything a good Pope should. Can we have the election over?

From the January 17th issue of The Advocate:

"I worship Jesus Christ, who never mentioned homosexuals in any way -- certainly not in a deleterious fashion. I've never looked upon it as a reason to condemn a person."

Mr. Carter also believes what has been espoused here that the government should legalize and acknowledge civil unions for all. Marriage should be sanctified only in a religious context, i.e. a Church.

Not to mention this quote from the New Testament. (1 Corinthians 13)

"... Faith, Hope and Love Remain. the greatest of these is love"

Gay Love is good, because all
love is good.


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