As we reach the end of this lunar cycle which peaked with the full moon of the 16th of October (08:13 AM EDT ) was also a partial lunar eclipse, an important celestial configuration. Simplified: it is a cosmic expression of the eternal struggle between order and chaos – Libra, in this case, the sign of order and Aries, chaos. The next polarity of Scorpio/Taurus will be a much more passionate cycle but certainly more honest and straightforward.
Currently the frustration and impatience in the air has to do with has to do with the lack of precise knowledge. Soon we find ourselves on the threshold of revelatory experience.
While on the subject of Astrology, let it be known that it is an ancient form of Psychology. Accepting it as such opens the door to focusing on W’s Saturn Return.
The Saturn Return – The Mythology and the Reality
by Robert Wilkinson
The Saturn return, occurring between 27 and 29 years of age for most of us, is perhaps one of the most feared, and misunderstood points in personal evolution. It usually indicates a time of difficulty, but also important choices where we move out of unconscious patterns into more deliberate expressions of our unfulfilled self.
It is a time of endings, but also major new beginnings. It is often associated with a time of hardship, but any hardship usually occurs because we are resisting our own tide of personal evolution. During this time of clearing our old psychological refuse, whatever must change WILL change, whether we want it to or not. It is important to note here that Saturn is not "causing" these things to occur. We are the engineers of our own lives. Saturn merely indicates the part of our inner nature which must learn certain lessons as a direct result of our own nature, and the cause-and-effect cycles we have set into motion before this time of radical choices and changes.
The Saturn return is a time when the "chickens come home to roost," for good or ill. It is a time of evaluating what we can live with and what we cannot. It is the most important time for examining what our priorities are and what must be dropped from our lives to allow us a more mature expression of our "dharma," a Sanskrit term approximately meaning "true function" in the higher sense of the term.
Saturn returns to its birth place again between 57 and 59, where we again choose how we want to live for the rest of our lives. Again we make choices. This time, though, we are challenged to turn away from old limitations, rules, responsibilities, fears, and unfulfilling behaviors. This is the time to distill wisdom from the realizations we’ve had so far, reflected through the filter of over 30 years of adult experience. It’s usually hardest on those who still operate out of immaturity, irresponsibility, or fear.
Any time Saturn touches any planet in our charts, it indicates a time when all of the above factors are brought to bear on the psychological function of the planet visited by Saturn. Thus when Saturn touches one’s Sun, it is a time of receiving the rewards of "living your light," or feeling oppressed as a result of past self-betrayals. When Saturn touches one’s Moon, it is a time of seeing what habits and feelings you can live with, and which ones have become too calcified to endure any longer. Yes, it may feel limiting and restrictive, but it also brings rewards and a deepening of one’s inner connectedness with our true nature if we show the virtues of patience, responsibility, maturity, and organization.
Saturn shows us the lessons we must learn to grow in our "authority," regardless of what sphere we are moving through. The Saturn return shows us how we are or are not exercising "free will," rather than fear. Saturn is the part of us that is rigid and authoritarian, but also where we take responsibility for our lives and choices, and come to a genuine life renewal by ending whatever has oppressed us while embracing a more mature sense of self.
Though it is not usually a "joyous" time, it can be. Though it is not usually an "easy" time, it can be if you are living your higher purpose. Just learn what people and circumstances and fears you no longer want nor need, let go of lesser things, and you will find a maturity that enables you to enjoy your future, rather than be frustrated at not being able to stay in childish behavioral, feeling, and thinking patterns. Ultimately Saturn can lead us to our primal innocence, where we do what’s right for the greatest good for all, without ulterior motives and controlling behaviors. We just have to learn to be mature, without being old. -- Robert Wilkerson
| Last year on the forum Mr. Bush’s Saturn was discussed and some considered it to be part of the 20 year cycle that has to do with Tecumseh’s curse on the American Presidency. Suffice it to say that there have been many a prediction about how what the United States is experiencing now was going to happen.
Mr. Bush is not in a good way, belief in Astrology notwithstanding. It simply serves to let us know in some way what is going on.
Then again: “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”