Morning in Air America

Air America provides an outlet for the progressive person these days, the progressive person who lives an ordinary life and needs to have an expression for frustration or have someone else express it. That being said there are more than a few difficulties with it.
Hearing Jerry Springer apologize for his anger after he expresses it is more than annoying, but still one wants to agree with the cause of his anger and its expression. But, Jerry, why poop all over it?
Ms. Rhodes is and will probably always be shrill. Hurricane Katrina at least afforded her an appropriate venue for her rants.
Mr. Franken and Ms. Garafolo afford the best opportunities to find kindred spirits.
Mark Riley and Marc Maron start out the day with Morning Sedition. These wacky irreverant guys make it sound as if one has been lost in a progressive locker room. Never more so than Monday morning when David Poland spewed forth his review of Brokeback Mountain from the Toronto FIlm Festival.
Poland started out by expressing his discomfort with romanticism and the expression of gay sexuality on film. Why did he then review this film? Probably just so he could snicker about gay sexual expression. Hello? Progressive Talk Radio? Yes? Maybe?
Let's ignore the fact that the man sounds like an effeminate frat boy with an attitude and then wants the listener to believe that the subject matter of this film bothers him after which Mr. Maron engages him in banter that makes homosexuality sound like something that adolescent boys laugh about in the locker room. Oh and then he tells us that the plot was thin and he can't understand why two men would have problems coming out 11 years after Stonewall. Does Poland live in Mr. Bush's America?
THIS is progressive talk radio?
Yo, Air America! Gay people listen to you because you are supposedly progressive. Wake up and smell the capuccino! You get what we're saying here? Morning Sedition is only as much fun and as relevant as the maturity and the intelligence of its listeners. R-E-S-P-E-C-T them.
It's easy to scoff when you know nothing about the subject and paricularly so if you're a straight man, no matter what your political leanings. An ignorant, smirking clod isn't worthy of an audience, but he still gets one. Think Fred Phelps.
Film criticism should be left to people who have knowledge and respect (yes, that word again). That doesn't mean that valid disagreement about the value or quality of a film will not take place, it only means that it will be handled maturely.
At any rate, I think I would believe the jury at Venice, the audiences at Telluride and Toronto and what most others have said about Brokeback Mountain rather than some guys who appear to still be stuck in their "let's giggle about gay sex so we pretend to be men" adolescence