God As Mother

Take equal parts daylight and night time pour them into a day and you get an equinox. There are two a year. This one is Autumnal – six months ago it was Vernal. Then again it depends on where a body lives. South or North of the Equator then what you call the Equinoces changes conversely.
Be that as it may it is a time of year when the Earth’s abundance is celebrated, be it Spring or Fall depending on which side of the Looking Glass one finds one’s self, i.e. North or South of the Equator. It is a time to celebrate the Goddess as the giver of life. The RC Church usurped this ancient tradition by celebrating the Virgin Mary’s nativity this month on September 8th, a vestige of ancient fertility rites.
The Harvest Moon actually took place last weekend. It is when and where it is time to celebrate the Earth as Mother. True and natural religion has to do with celebrating life and the mysteries surrounding us.
It is exactly the reason that Cindy Sheehan is an important symbol for all of those who care about the actual right to life. This coming Saturday it is vital in some way, shape or form to unite with this symbol of the Mother Goddess in contemporary day to day living.
Stop Death. Start Life. Stand Up.