Distractions (Continued)

Seems like in the wonderful world of television this week can be declared Mark Valley Week. He is most assuredly a welcomed addition to Welcomed Distractions. He is in the very good company of Jesse Metcalf and Cristian Solemino, which incidentally brings up one reason for declaring this his week. Both he and Solemino will be featured on Cable TV this weekend. Solemino, as previously mentioned in the Footballers’ Wives recap on BBC America and Valley in Soapnet’s initiation of broadcasting all 13 episodes of Pasadena, the short lived night time serial.
Tuesday evening saw Mark reunite with the co-star of The Next Best Thing, Rupert Everett where they played potential boyfriends. The two best things about Next Best Thing were Valley as fantasy fodder and that it was the late John Schlesinger’s last fling as a director which made it at the very least a valiant effort.
Mark Valley’s presence on Boston Legal is certainly part of its valiant effort to up the ante on welcomed distractions. It is hoped they give him more Keen Eddie-like things to do even if expecting him to give a big juicy one to Rupert is beyond the pale. But hope does spring eternal. James Spader and Elias Koteas could give lessons as well documented in 1996’s Crash. Wait, James Spader’s on Boston Legal, too! Now there’s a distraction waiting to happen.
