Welcome Home, Del
It doesn’t take a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing these days on Soap Operas or how far down the demographics go. There is a bright spot or two for diehard fans. Of course, the writing and production values are all over the place. Of course, outlandish plots still exist as if to beef up the viewing population which it doesn’t.
The acting on All My Children made the suspension of belief easier to bear during the Di/Dixie story. How both Adam, Jr and Thaddeus Martin bought Di as Dixie hook, line and sinker is beyond belief, yet these two actors are so good at their craft the viewer went into no man’s land with them.
There is now another man there in the form of Dixie’s half brother Del Henry. It was a decade or so ago when he was in Pine Valley last and thoroughly enjoyed by the afternoon drinkers at Philadelphia’s Bike Stop under the guidance of the late Matt Hoffmann. Then it was Winsor Harman getting all the attention. Now Del Henry’s character is inhabited by a worthy heir and winner of [gasp] the realty series on Soapnet, Alec Musser.
Mr. Musser more than holds his own with Michael E. Knight as Tad. Some diehard fans are looking forward to future scenes with the equally intense Jacob Young.
Column of Life’s webmaster has risen to the occasion and humbly germinated a website in the worthy Mr. Musser’s honour. You'll find the link in the column to the right.