A Real Indulgence

Tuc Watkins: Poetry in Motion

Sometimes God[s] can bless you walking to work. There is nothing better than to see one of their manifestations in all its glory. Tuc Watkins is one of those glories. It is highly recommended to view his tall and shapely self walking on the other side of the street in the opposite direction. There are few more masculine figures, i.e. broad shoulders – from here to next week as a matter of fact -- narrow hips and a dignified stride.

Tuc currently blesses the public by being on One Life to Live as David Vickers as one of the best ad libbers in the business. He is clever as well as handsome. In the past he has given memorable performances in The Mummy, Beggars and Choosers, Six Feet Under and on Family Law in a noteworthy turn as a gay father. He has a great website well worth a visit. It is held on good authority that he is kind, generous and unpretentious.

A real indulgence. A beautiful man. Divine Glory on a New York street.


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