Matthew Montelongo

It's a Whole New Ballgame

OFF-RAMP AT THE GRANDEL THEATRE: The New York Empires locker room will never be the same after a charismatic young baseball star at the top of his game casually reveals a personal truth: he's gay. The announcement throws a major league curve ball into the middle of a perfect season and sends a ripple effect through the entire team, the media, the nation and one shy business manager who can't tell an earned run from an earnings tax.

Richard Greenberg's multiply-honored Take Me Out is a joyous tribute to baseball that celebrates the glory of the game, and the men who love—or learn to love—America's pastime. It's the first of three St. Louis premieres in The Rep's new Off-Ramp series at The Grandel Theatre September 21–October 9, 2005.

» Production information, performance schedule and special programs
» Internet pre-sale August 26–29.
» General ticket sales begin August 29. Call (314) 968-4925 to charge by phone.


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