It seems that the allegedly learned Papa Ratzinger has reverted to the downright silly practice of granting indulgences.
“The Handbook of Indulgences states that a plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who perform the works listed ... This means the full remission of all temporal punishment (time spent in purgatory) due to sin in one's entire lifetime up to that point”
The NY Times tells us that the full indulgence goes to those in attendance at the Pope's so called World Youth Day but that those who engage in fervent prayer instead will only receive a partial indulgence. This may only be useful if one dies soon enough to take advantage of the ‘time off’ from Purgatory. Reactionary Catholics are very creative. Not only do the faithful have to deal with the concepts of Heaven and Hell and eternal damnation but there is also the dogma of temporal punishment for ‘little sins” or those of venial as opposed to mortal nature.
Ratzinger perhaps has failed to remember that it was all of this nonsense that started Martin Luther on his journey to the Reformation and the resulting religious strife that plagues the world to this day.
It is one thing to be reactionary and dogmatic. ‘Tis quite another to be irrevocably silly. Dear God[s], save us from redemption.