Casey for Senator
Most here, however, were all atwitter about Senator Santorum’s troubles in Pennsylvania. None other than the banished snitch and confidante of Karl Rove, Robert Novak reports today that ‘Forrest Gump with an Attitude’ is ‘falling.’
Republican Insiders in Washington fear that Sen. Rick Santorum … is in serious danger of losing his seat next year to … Bob Casey, because of a poorly planned and ill-conceived campaign.
Grievances by Pennsylvania Republicans are piling up. One banking industry CEO in Pennsylvania offered Santorum a chance to visit his more than 3,000 employees. But the senator’s campaign staff declined ... explaining this group was not a “priority.” Santorum is accused if not making sure to minimize the negative political fall out from his new book … A current Republican Poll shows Casey 9 percentage points ahead of Santorum.
Well, perhaps one should wait until those eggs hatch into beautiful non-reactionary chickens – but for the moment it is soothing to know that Santorum’s chickens are coming home to roost.