Middle America in Middle America

One of the good people who read this BLOG had this to say:
“… You really don't give the Midwest much credit. I am actually a hoosier … we had tons of gay folks living out in the ‘burbs with all us normal folks. In fact, my daughter used to baby-sit for a lesbian couple at the end of our building. ... Point being, maybe some of the older folks are homophobic, but the kids... they don't care, and I think that it's a trend, and a good one at that.”

Perhaps it is best to point this out right now
Definitions of MIDDLE AMERICA on the Web:
• The moderate, middle-class segment of the US population that comprises the largest consumer group.
• Antigua and Barbuda
• Meso-America, i.e. Central America
• Middle America is an American colloquialism used-- in contrast against "coastal America"-- to describe a region of the United States that, geographically, comprises the bulk of the nation.

Middle America in yesterday’s assessment of the Gay State of the Nation is best described as found in the first of the above definitions. There are no red nor blue states in this BLOG, there are only modes of perception.

The bane of the Culture in the United States is that it is based on an intangible sort of morality in that many people wait to be endowed with what the likes of Karl Rove or Benedict Ratzinger or Media Hype proclaim to be the group-think. It is a morality based on irrational fear and ignorance, it is a moribund morality.

Jon Stewart just pointed out that there were two events in New York City yesterday: the Gay Pride Parade and the Billy Graham Crusade and asked the question about which one wanted to convert others to their lifestyle.

Middle America is neither here nor there. Middle America is that huge cultural sponge which absorbs news about Pop Stars and Politicians day in and day out without paying much attention to what is reality.

It is hoped that the above reader originally from the MidWest will remain in the state of mind where the only conversion necessary is metric. Progress lies in the minds and hearts of intelligent people of whatever age no matter where they live.


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