Tuesday Talent: Sort of ...

Next Week I will be participating in the United States Conference on AIDS in Orlando, FL. My participation there focuses on reaching out to HIV/AIDS activists and finding out what is going on throughout the network in gathering data, education and treatment. It has been a gratifying and illuminating experience in the past and I expect nothing less this time around. I am here because I dodged a bullet that a majority of my gay male contemporaries, some of whom I loved much. It is why I walk and why I continue to promote events and fundraisers. Why I continue to pester. It is my part in the ongoing drama of a devastation that should have never happened. A colleague from POZ pointed out this short story from the Sunday Styles section of the New York Times where there are often soap opera-unrequited love type stories. He was “struck by this particular article, for reasons that are abundantly clear. Quite moving without being schmaltzy.” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/29/fashion/29Love.ht...