Friday Night Might: " long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"
The most important upcoming event is the election. Get out and vote! [source: McClatchy] By Lisa Zagaroli | McClatchy Newspapers CHARLOTTE, N.C. — U.S. Senate candidate Kay Hagan launched legal action against Sen. Elizabeth Dole's "godless" attack ad Thursday as a chorus of critics joined her in accusing Dole of crossing the line with the controversial TV spot. Democratic challenger Hagan, in a new ad of her own, accused the Republican incumbent of "bearing false witness against fellow Christians" when Dole suggested she was affiliated with a group of atheists who want to remove references to God from the public arena. Dole continued to defend the ad, saying it "in no way attacks her faith, it questions her agenda." But even Republicans — including strategists Ed Rollins and Carter Wrenn — roundly criticized Dole's eleventh-hour strategy for winning re-election to her Senate seat. "When you're making ads that say, 'There is no God,...