Gay Thursday: Matthew McConaughey -- Because We Can

From the Current Datalounge by way of Ted Casablanca: Dear Ted: Matthew McConaughey seems like a flake to me. Why would you want to have one baby with him, let alone two? Does his GF really think he's in it for the long haul, or is she a gold digger who's popping kids out for the future child support? I was going to Twitter you this, but the character limit is annoying. "LizzeeC

Dear Bongo Cop: They both have very clear (just not very clever) agendas.

On that very same thread: When in Austin he does not even make a pretense of straight. Funny how the media both outs him and protects him., like it is all a big joke.

Well, the man should tone it down a bit. i.e. the partying. We think he should stay in shape for any Paul Newman bio pic that might come up.


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