Wednesday Word: David Moretti
Main Entry: hand·some
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): hand·som·er; hand·som·est
Etymology: Middle English handsom easy to manipulate
Date: 1530
1 chiefly dialect : appropriate, suitable
2 : moderately large : sizable: a painting that commanded a handsome price
3 : marked by skill or cleverness : adroit
4 : marked by graciousness or generosity : liberal: handsome contributions to charity
5 : having a pleasing and usually impressive or dignified appearance
synonyms see beautiful
No secret in these parts that there is much affection here for the star of The Lair. Being honestly himself is what Moretti does best. Handsome is as handsome does and all that. Photographer Collin Stark seems to have captured the essence. Click here for more Collin. Stay here to enjoy his photographic vision of the handsome Mr. Moretti.
Moretti says, "Best photographer I've worked with by a long mile." There you have it.